Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Salam ols..Meet again..Cut it short, this award i received from Ms. Pink..Thanks dear..So lets check it out.....

Top Blogger 2010!!

Am I?? I also not so sure bout that..But I'm gladly wanna thanks her for giving me this award.* Cehh..Bajet menang Oscar plak..Hahahakhak*

Ok, basically this is what the regulations are: 

# Thank & link the person that gave you the award. 
# Pass this award onto 12 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic. 
# Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won the award. 
The 12 top bloggers are:
  1. Para
  2. Black
  3. Dex
  4. Uthe
  5. ~yus~
  6. Cik Ecah
  7. bom321
  8. seniaku
  9. Posh76
  10. Perantau London
  11. mummy chubby
  12. kitty
* Updated: Also being award from Mr. Chaon..Thanks..:)

PS: this is the 3rd time..:)


  1. alamak terharu laa tq so much nanti nak tepek ...terasa cam top host plak hehe

  2. hehehe..sila la tepek ye cik posh..

  3. alalal...aie nak leh je ambik...tak de masalh..kite bagi khas kat aie..

  4. hehe teng kiyu.. err kerana dirimu begitu berharga...(iklan kejap)

  5. hahha..ada2 je para ni la...hehe

  6. hehe ok reramaunggu..dah siap buat..err pasal hilang lptp tu nk buat mcm mana kan..banyak2 doa...smyg hjt ke...

    kalau nk dpt balik lptop tu rasanya mmg dah susah..tapi kita usaha la cara kita..berserah..mungkin ada hikmah semua tu..kita tak tahu kan..

    so jgn putus tersenyum..hehe


Thank you for your comment. Will reply it soon. TQ :D

Catatan Ringkas
